Thursday, June 5, 2008


yesterday was a good day at work.(with the art kids). i was surprised and happy to find out that they actually remember what i teach them. sometimes that group doesnt listen- at all. but they remembered surrealism and the artist from spain, salvador dali. i taught them rene magritte yesterday and they were really interested in his artwork. it makes me happy to see the kids grab my papers from each other in order to see the artwork pictures i show; they start getting upset when someone takes too long to look at something..... but yeah they like magritte. they had to do their own surrealist drawing, which they enjoyed and turned out very cool.

the other day at a different school site they had the radio station go and dj for the kids since it was the last day of the program (which means im off tuesdays now- along with saturdays- but the saturdays is another story, and im trying to remain positive right now) anyway, they had music and games. wow, the power of music and rhythms on children, it amazing, i dont know how to describe it. it brings them jolting to life, it was really cool. i had the duty of giving out chips. i couldnt stand the bbq lays smell. i hate bbq sauce.

but yeah the kids remember and like the art i share with them. oh and i also showed one of my paintings to some of the kids cuz' it was in my bag and they like it a lot! they really did- they liked the music box thing too. im glad kids enjoy my painting too. except i showed it to an adult and the person was like "cute".....hmm im not sure if thats what i wanted to hear. is that a bad thing?

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