ive just been bumming around lately. not much to do. sitting around. watching and listening to my gramma freak out- WE HAD TO TAKE HER TO THE er THE OTHER DAY. its not cool. i go to work and some kids could care less about art, and artists. i go to my other job and i really dont want to be there anymore. i will be unemployed by the end of this week. cant really look for another job, cuz' my moms getting knifed. i drive my gramma around for about two hours until it gets dark and bring her back home, so we can sleep, but she doesnt listen.
i dont feel anything anymore really, im just here, i drive around the city and the next city, and i dont know what to think or feel anymore, iii i i i i i i i i i i i i , what a rant................. heres some info on andy warhol the kids liked the art work and of course they thought he was weird looking, they actually gasped at his self portrait. so this week is my last week teaching i will be officially unemployed mon-fri. so it totally sucks. this week i think ill teach the kids about yoko ono - AN ARTIST THAT IS STILL ALIVE AND IS RICH AND FAMOUS. - the kids always complain, theyre like "oh another artist ms.diana? let me guess died of cancer...." yeah i have to explain to them that famous artists are usually dead. the value of their art goes up when they die. they dont get it. but yeah yoko ono. well see how they like her. ill have them play tic tac toe for their activity- since shes good at having interactions with her artwork. oh and i had soup cans for the kids to draw for andys lesson.
to end on a funny note, last week i wescaped to venice and saw the funniest tagger name- it totally made my day, and i wouldve never thought it out to be my tagger name. ive always wanted to be a tagger or graffiti artist if you may since junior high, but i dont mix well with anything aerosol. anyway the name that was tagged was "POOP" - that made my day. i would love to go around tagging "POOP".
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