ANYWAY, so im out driving in the fields in oxnard because im trying to avoid "the mist" so i end up driving out to camarillo. i go all the way out there smack in the middle of nowhere and i turn on Pancho Road. ive been wanting to turn on that street for a long time cuz' when i pass it its the last street and the name's hella funny. (i dont really say hella but it fit)
okay so i turn on Pancho road and my moms like "where are we going?" and im like i think my dad said theres a cemetery out here. (no not a pet cemetery either cuz' whenever i mention cemetery to the kids at work they always ask if its a pet cemetery.) ANYWAY, ANYWAY,
So im cruising along Pancho road out in back and my mom says some shit like "esta muy solo por aca para andar en la tarde solas" and in my mind im like "shut the hell up". but not in a mean way. .....so, we see the cemetery and its all cool and calm with flowers and my mom's like "ok lets leave" cuz our car and this big ass truck that entered were the only ones out there driving..... so then i say in Spanish "i wonder if they'll ever find bodies out here- it would be a perfect place to dump one" right? cuz' theres nothing but bushes out there. so my moms pissed cuz' i said that and i could tell she was a little nervous.
SO AS WERE DRIVING OUT OF THE CEMETERY, ok check this out, there is a mothafucken' silver bad ass car either a silver corvette or a viper ON MOTHERFUCKEN' FIRE!!!!!! it was awesome!!! i was like how's this for adventure!!! so its on fire and i get this rush and my moms freaking out nervous and my poor little gramma's like, in the calmest voice ever "theres a car burning" cuz' at this point the meds kicked in..... so im like dude theres only one way out of here, out the little bridge over the river and the car on fire was right at the entrance full flames!!!! and im like "oh shit! what do i do if it blows up and my gramamas in the car with me?!" so my moms like just drive past it fast. and im like "okay".
so i cross myself; cuz' im still Catholic and i put my right arm on my grammas upper body to protect her in case that car blows (like that would help right?) and i step on the gas!!!! it was cool. then i called the cops. and told them where that car on fire was. there was a man out there but he looked like a jogger, but if it was his car, sucks for him. so i call 911 and i tell the lady "im a little away in case the car blows up or something" and she's like "thats highly unlikely" then a few minutes later i hear the gas tank blow up, not like in the movies- but still. so yeah , that was cool. i hope whoever was there is okay.
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