.... the other day with the kids at work was interesting and glorious at the same time.
it wasnt like a regular monday. and it wasnt manic either. (hee hee) this week were learning about iran. an iranian student requested the country. so we were drawing. and i had explained the presence of "God", infinity, geometry, and the universe in Islamic art. (yeah i know it was a lot for 5th and 6th graders to understand in 2 minutes)
anyway, we went on to drawing a geometric design. and i asked the kids to trade markers. so then one of the students says "hey this marker is called "blue lagoon"" and then the student sitting across yells "I KNOW ISN'T IT BEAUTIFUL?! that was the marker i was using too"... that totally made my day. i dont think i had ever heard a male 5th/6th grader say the word beautiful before. BEAUTIFUL is the word of the week for me.
On the drive back home monday night, on some street, it was night time already and in the middle of the street someone had accidentally dropped a big ass pile of papers and they were all over the street. i dont know what it was about it, but i thought the pages looked magically beautiful spreading and flying around the road as trucks and cars sped by. the pages flew wide open and twirled like they were dancing around in the cold. it was great. i wish i wouldve pulled over in the middle of the street and took video of it.
speaking of taking video, i wish i could do that to hot guys. but i think that would make me extra creepy.especially if you only meet them for like one day and they have a girlfriend. theres this guy that came outta my dreams. i just wanted to stare....
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