i know you probably dont care, but im gonna tell you how my evening at the mall went anyway. just cuz' i feel like typing away and aggravating my sleeping carpal tunnel......
i went to the mall after work today- TARGET is the only store i had in mind. i NEEDED TWO things. makeup remover and protein bars. i usually go for regular chocolate delicacies by little debbie but now i turned to protein bars cuz if imma snack on something and get fat, i might as well try to build some muscle while i eat stuff....
anyway. i went to the mall looking like i got hit by a car. and its holiday time so u never know who you might run into. so i went to victoria secret and they let me do my make up in there. i looked like a street walker when i left but its ok. like i said. at least i didnt hit up the MAC stand right? ... so then im looking around for my mom and marce's gift.(grandma). i went looking for shoes for my mom. some sneaks. the walking work out new ones. but i liked some other reeboks for myself. 50 bucks. but they didnt have my size. company was sold out. they were tight shoes. good. i didnt need them anyway. i still look fly. j/k. no im not.
....anyway, so i didnt buy shoes. i said fuk it. my mom doesnt need sneaks either. shell probably return them anyway. cuz' thats how she is. if i get her something. shell return it or wont fuken wear it. it sux i know. but whatever. but if her son gets her a piece of junk, shell totally be all over that shit. but im not hating. its just the way the story goes...
anyway, as im walking in a daze wif my makeup all done up through the mall, i sniff some cinnabons in the air. and i stroll down to the left and head to the magical store of SEE'S candies! **side note GOD BLESS MRS. MARY SEE WHEREVER SHE MAY BE*** oh yeah! i just made a short verse... and i had 2 things in mind. SCOTCHMALLOWS AND ROCKYROAD. theyre my BFF.
im in line. they had me waiting and i couldnt wait. i got two big ass chocolates wif pecans cuz they were on the counter and i asked for one dark chocolate scotchmallow and a rockyroad. i made the mistake of asking the girl how much the mallows were a piece and she says "oh like 60 cents a piece" and since she made it sound like they were hella cheap, which they are, i bought 4 of them in case i feel sad.hahahahaha. then she says WHICH I COULDN'T BELIEVE WAS POSSIBLE, "would you like the rockyroad as a sample?!". i said HELLZ YEAH I WOULD. cuz' ive paid like up to 2 dollaz for a piece. so that immediately made my day kick ass. she smiled cuz' i felt my face light up as she asked. i didnt even make it to the end counter it was half gone. and the sick part is that i forgot i had a bunch of fucken makeup shit glitter all over my fingers but i didnt care. i was blinded by rockyroad. and i ate everybody and their moms' makeup germs at victoria secret counters. and that is a lot of moms and bitches germs.!.
then i walked to the food court. cuz before i had the chocolate, i was fantasizing about the chow mein at the chinese food place. i asked for one side. the chow mein and 2 egg rolls. cuz' thats how i roll when i eat chinese food yo. and the lady filled up the whole white damn large "to go" box of chow mein. i said fuk it. and ate the whole damn thing. i couldnt stop. not even after a kid i see at work was all "ms diana! hi" it was all over my face. like a werewolf. and im sure that magical sweet and sour sauce looked like blood all over my cheeks.
then i headed to my nemesis store. hot topic. i swear most of the crap i buy there i dont even wear. or i buy something totally useless. like today. okay. i bought earrings and rosaries. yeah i know. and im not even catholic. i believe in the TAO go figure. j/k. im hella catholic. amen bitches. anyway, i went to toxic? i think thats what its called. i already felt the chinese food acting up. the guy at the store was cool. i dont know why but i can talk to anyone. about random stuff. this kid was totally cool. he even knew my kangaroos had pockets. *. i bought a rage shirt. and more fucken earrings. but cool ones.
okay my rant is almost over. i headed to target to get the 2 things i needed. got them. along with my moms gift too. NOBODY TELL HER, ILL BE PISSED. IT TOOK A LOT OF THOUGHT. i got her two nutcrackers. she needs one. the other day, i swear, i go to the kitchen cuz' i kept hearing some banging noise. my mom cracked like a big ass bag of walnuts with a i dont even know with what the fuck. A WHOLE BAG! LIKE THE ONES THAT ARE LIKE A POUND. my mom has mad skillz. so i got her Joseph and Mary nutcrackers. yeah i know totally random right? who wouldve thought theyd have them as nutcrackers at target? certainly not the real biblical Joseph and Mary..Mary even has a baby jesus in her nutcracker hands. word.
OH! and you know what i had never seen?!?!?!?!!??! an elevator/ escalator for carts!!!!! shopping cart elevators!!!! WTF?! that shit is so awesome! i didnt even have a cart but it made me want to go get one just so i can mess with the thing. you know what i wanna see? and escalator for strollers. now that would be cool.
**the nuts***
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
simple things.

.... the other day with the kids at work was interesting and glorious at the same time.
it wasnt like a regular monday. and it wasnt manic either. (hee hee) this week were learning about iran. an iranian student requested the country. so we were drawing. and i had explained the presence of "God", infinity, geometry, and the universe in Islamic art. (yeah i know it was a lot for 5th and 6th graders to understand in 2 minutes)
anyway, we went on to drawing a geometric design. and i asked the kids to trade markers. so then one of the students says "hey this marker is called "blue lagoon"" and then the student sitting across yells "I KNOW ISN'T IT BEAUTIFUL?! that was the marker i was using too"... that totally made my day. i dont think i had ever heard a male 5th/6th grader say the word beautiful before. BEAUTIFUL is the word of the week for me.
On the drive back home monday night, on some street, it was night time already and in the middle of the street someone had accidentally dropped a big ass pile of papers and they were all over the street. i dont know what it was about it, but i thought the pages looked magically beautiful spreading and flying around the road as trucks and cars sped by. the pages flew wide open and twirled like they were dancing around in the cold. it was great. i wish i wouldve pulled over in the middle of the street and took video of it.
speaking of taking video, i wish i could do that to hot guys. but i think that would make me extra creepy.especially if you only meet them for like one day and they have a girlfriend. theres this guy that came outta my dreams. i just wanted to stare....
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
Friday, July 16, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
STAR EDUCATION ART SHOW by me. Share Wednesday, June 9, 2010 at 12:58am

The First Annual Children’s Art Festival 2010 Student Art Contest was held Tuesday, June 1, 2010 at the Oxnard Performing Arts Center on Hobson Way in Oxnard. The event was put on by Star Education After School Program, which is contracted by the Oxnard School District.
Art from hundreds of young local artists was displayed Tuesday where the students exposed their skills in the arts throughout their artwork and photography in the STAR After School Program. Cash and school supplies were given as prizes for artwork that was voted on by the people who attended. A hands-on science health exhibit was also on display, which encouraged attendees to explore the human body and learn about ways to help keep their bodies healthy. Several students from Robert J. Frank, Fremont and Richard B. Haydock Junior High Schools offered their rock band skills by performing several rock songs to the art show audience.
“Nirvana is one of my favorite bands!” Noe from Haydock Junior High, who plays the bass exclaimed.
STAR Education is a service offered free of charge to parents in order to further help their children excel in their education. The after school program helps the students that attend, not only with homework, but also offers “Enrichment Classes” that teach: foreign language classes, science, music, photography, art, drama, rock band, gymnastics, dance, cooking and computer classes. This program has been a part of the Oxnard School District since 2006.
“Since 1986, STAR Education has been a leader in educational after-school programming for students throughout California. What began twenty-three years ago with one school in West Los Angeles has expanded into a large-scale organization, employing 1000 extraordinary professionals, and servicing an incredible 179 schools in 44 school districts during the 2008-2009 academic year! STAR is dedicated to providing innovative, high-quality programs for children that excite, inspire and educate. Student achievement is illustrated within the classroom through improved academic performance and substantial California State Test (CST) score increases at levels only STAR can boast. Students exhibit developmental gains, with increased self-confidence and social skills, heightened creative abilities and an enhanced approach to the world around them, which is both cerebral and unique.”
STAR Education’s website (http://www.starinc.org/) states that it was “selected as a ‘Model Program’ by the White House and The U.S. Department of Education”.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
*If you or someone you know is expecting: This service is offered free of charge in English and Spanish even if the women have no texting plan.They will get informational updates on pregnancy, birth delivery, ways to care for child and themselves etc. also until the child is around the age of one! Please share this info! Congresswoman Lois Capps was in Oxnard today presenting this service!
U.S.: text "baby" to 511411 for english/ text "bebe" to 511411 para espaƱol
U.S.: text "baby" to 511411 for english/ text "bebe" to 511411 para espaƱol
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Monday, March 8, 2010
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Filling Feelings
so earlier at my grandmas house i went and hung out with her. and she was standing in the door way of her room and i was sitting in a chair watching her. and i suddenly opened my arms out from afar and smiled so she can give me a hug and she said "no, porque me ahorcas" ("no cuz' you'll choke me" so she stuck out her hand as to give me a handshake instead.
its true i smother her and squeeze her so tight i leave marks. maybe its her sensitive skin. maybe i just love her so much that maybe ill forget the feeling. i dunno.
but the best feeling is when i see her coming through the window and i dash out the door and run to her across the grass on the front yard with open arms even if im wearing my mexican guaraches and my pajama pants on backwards and have beetle juice hair at 1pm, its the best feeling.
feeling the air and the sun and my grandma and grateful and happy all at the same time.
its true i smother her and squeeze her so tight i leave marks. maybe its her sensitive skin. maybe i just love her so much that maybe ill forget the feeling. i dunno.
but the best feeling is when i see her coming through the window and i dash out the door and run to her across the grass on the front yard with open arms even if im wearing my mexican guaraches and my pajama pants on backwards and have beetle juice hair at 1pm, its the best feeling.
feeling the air and the sun and my grandma and grateful and happy all at the same time.
Sunday, February 21, 2010

CSUCI Exhibitions Gallery (Camarillo)
Current Show:
Larry Lytle - Photographs: American Obsessions
February 25-March 26, 2010
Opening Reception, Thursday, February, 25 from 6-8PM

Along with Barbi or G.I. Joe, really only two of many lines of figures by various manufactures come in little parts that make up their ensemble. A whole host of objects that help create a setting for kids are available: shoes, guns, stylish clothes, camouflage uniforms, cars, toys, pets, cosmetics, and so on. You can buy whole kitchens, bedrooms, living rooms all accompanied with appliances, furniture, lamps really anything you’d expect available for purchase at an Ikea or Wal-Mart. Everything and anything you could think of to fit out a story or scenario that a child might imagine. As my collection grew, I wondered about the association between desire and ownership of these bright, desirable, eye-catching items. More importantly, I wondered about the connection between these bits of plastic and the larger items they imitated. Did they create in the child the desire we for these things that we have as adults?
Each obsession, in this body of work, has been formed into a grid 3 wide and 3 high. I have placed them against the same color scheme to equalize their importance. The colors suggest a pop art approach yet the use of these objects is not an homage to the ordinary, rather it is an investigation into the things that we desire and can’t imagine living without. To be sure I am not immune. I have my own obsessions. One of them has become collecting these pieces of plastic, photographing them, and creating this body of work. Ironic, to be sure.
Larry Lytle is a Los Angeles based artist who, for the past 10 years, has been using action figures as the bases of his art work. Lytle uses photography as his means of exploration. The bright, colorful and humorous prints investigate our connection to the world of these familiar toys. His work has been exhibited in galleries across the country, and is a member of the art faculty of California State University Channel Islands.
CSUCI Exhibitions Gallery -Camarillo is a cultural outreach partnership created between the California State University Channel Islands Art Program and Dr. Michael Czubiak, who has provided CSUCI with gallery space in his building located in "Old Town" Camarillo. In addition to affording CSUCI students with the opportunity to exhibit their art in the local community adjacent the University, the gallery also presents curated shows of regional, national and international artists, providing the University community and Ventura County residents with the opportunity to view quality exhibitions, significant works of art and attend stimulating cultural events.
Location: 92 Palm Drive in “"Old Town"” Camarillo, CA. 93010.
Regular gallery hours are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday.
For more information: 805-437-8570, FAX: 805-437-8572
Email: art@csuci.edu
Gallery Submission Policy
If you wish to have work reviewed or propose an exhibition, please send a CD with 10-20 jpeg images, annotated image list, resume, and exhibition proposal to:
CSUCI Exhibitions
Art Department
California State University Channel Islands
One University Drive
Camarillo, CA 93012
Saturday, February 20, 2010
hacer tu risa estallar
lucha de gigantes from amores perros the movie
lucha de gigantes from amores perros the movie
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
READ THIS artist

heres the OG link: http://muscroy.com/art423/bradbury-text.htm
this article is from Luke Matjas' class site, its interesting...watch out for the landmines- I know they're all around me.....
How to Climb the Tree of Life, Throw Rocks at Yourself, and Get Down Again without Breaking Your Bones or Your Spirit
By Ray Bradbury
(Note: For our purposes, "Writing" has been bracketed with "Designing;" apologies to Bradbury!)
Sometimes I am stunned at my capacity as a nine-year-old, to understand my entrapment and escape it.
How is it that the boy I was in October, 1929, could, because of the criticism of his fourth-grade schoolmates, tear up his Buck Rogers comic strips and a month later judge all of his friends idiots and rush back to collecting?
Where did that judgment and strength come from? What sort of process did I experience to enable me to say: I am as good as dead. Who is killing me? What do I suffer from? What’s the cure?
I was able, obviously, to answer all of the above. I named the sickness: my tearing up the strips. I found the cure: go back to collecting, no matter what.
I did. And was made well.
But still. At that age? When we are accustomed to responding to peer pressure?
Where did I find the courage to rebel, change my life, live alone?
I don’t want to over-estimate all this, but damn it, I love that nine-year-old, whoever in hell he was. Without him, I could not have survived to introduce these essays.
Part of the answer, of course, is in the fact that I was so madly in love with Buck Rogers, I could not see my love, my hero, my life, destroyed. It is almost that simple. It was like having your best all-around greatest–loving-buddy, pal, center-of-life drown or get shotgun killed. Friends, so killed, cannot be saved from funerals. Buck Rogers, I realized, might know a second life, if I gave it to him. So I breathed in his mouth and, lo! he sat up and talked and said, what?
Yell. Jump. Play. Out-run those sons-of-bitches. They’ll never live the way you live. Go do it.
Except I never used the S.O.B. words. They were not allowed. Heck! was about the size and strength of my outcry. Stay alive!
So I collected comics, fell in love with carnivals and World’s Fairs and began to write. And what, you ask, does writing [designing] teach us?
First and foremost, it reminds us that we are alive and that it is a gift and a privilege, not a right. We must earn life once it has been awarded us. Life asks for rewards back because it has favored us with animation.
So while our art cannot, as we wish it could, save us from wards, privation, envy, greed, old age, or death, it can revitalize us amidst it all.
Second, writing [designing] is survival. Any art, any good work, of course, is that.
Not to write [design], for many of us, is to die.
We must take arms each and every day, perhaps knowing that the battle cannot be entirely won, but fight we must, if only a gentle bout. The smallest effort to win means, at the end of each day, a sort of victory. Remember that pianist who said that if he did not practice every day he would know, if he did not practice for two day, the critics would know, after three days, his audiences would know.
A variation of this is true for writers [designers]. Not that your style, whatever that is, would melt out of shape in those few days.
But what would happen is that the world would catch up with and try to sicken you. If you did not write [design] every day, the poisons would accumulate and you would begin to die, or act crazy, or both.
You must stay drunk on writing [designing] so reality cannot destroy you.
For writing [designing] allows just the proper recipes for truth, life, reality as you are able to eat, drink, and digest without hyperventilating and flopping like a dead fish in you bed.
I have learned, on my journeys, that if I let a day go by without writing [designing], I grow uneasy. Two days and I am in tremor. Three and I suspect lunacy. Four and I might as well be a hog, suffering the flux of wallow. An hour’s writing [designing] is tonic. I’m on my feet, running in circles, and yelling for a clean pair of spats.
So that, in one way or another, is what this book is all about.
Taking your pinch of arsenic ever morn so you can survive to sunset. Another pinch at sunset so that you can more-than-survive until dawn.
The micro-arsenic-dose swallowed here prepares you not to be poisoned and destroyed up ahead.
Work in the midst of life is that dosage. To manipulate life, toss the bright-colored orbs up to mix with the dark ones, blending a variation of truths. We use the grand and beautiful facts of existence in order to put up with the horrors that afflict us directly in our families and friends, or through the newspapers and TV.
The horrors are not to be denied. Who amongst us has not had a cancer-dead friend? Which family exists where some relative has not been killed or maimed by an automobile? I know of none. In my own circle, an aunt, and uncle, and a cousin, as well as six friends, have been destroyed by the car. This list is endless and crushing if we do not creatively oppose it.
Which means writing [designing] as cure. Not completely, of course. You never get over your parents in the hospital or your best love in the grave.
I won’t use the word “therapy,” it’s too clean, too sterile a word. I only say when death slows others, you must leap to set up your diving board and dive head first into your typewriter [sketchbook!].
The poets and artists of other years, long past, knew all and everything I have said here, or put into the following essays. Aristotle said it for the ages. Have you listened to him lately?
These essays were written at various times over a thirty-year period, to express special discoveries, to serve special needs. But they all echo the same truths of explosive self-revelation and continuous astonishment at what your deep well contains if you just haul off and shout down it.
Even as I write this, a letter has come from a young unknown writer, who says he is going to live by my motto, found in my story Tonybee Convector.
“… to gently lie and prove the lie true…everything is finally a promise…what seems a lie is ramshackle need, wishing to be born…”
And now:
I have come up with a new simile to describe myself lately. It can be yours.
Every morning I jump out of bed and step on a landmine. The landmine is me.
After the explosion, I spend the rest of the day putting the pieces together.
Now, it’s your turn. Jump!
* * * * * *
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Friday, February 5, 2010
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
JUST WHEN I THOUGHT I WOULD NEVER SEE SOME HOT GOOD LOOKING SMART AROUND MY AGE? GUY- I SAW THAT GUY/MAN TODAY AGAIN FOR THE SECOND TIME THIS WEEK!..... too bad.... im never gonna see him again. but it was awesome! it made my month! thumbs up bros!
Dick Dale & The Del Tones "Misirlou" 1963
Dick Dale & The Del Tones "Misirlou" 1963
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
you know what i just thought of, like if there were jackets that said something like , or t shirts "i know someone with Alzheimers"...is that dumb? i think it would be cool, cuz' when like im with my grandma and shes wigging out, people will know whats going on-and wont think were yelling at her to be mean....oh and i love it when i randomly find her hair in my house its cool! :)
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