"..what are you homeless like me ?? if you need to move in with mein my van you can it would be warmer then out side or in a little caror ???
what have you been doing where are you ???????????????
I tried to email you several times but no answers ... I was think you must have hit it big as a artist and moved to spain or where everthey all are ..."
okay so its like 10 days later in the year so heres some goals- goals cuz' i ain't really into making lists n' shit so here it is in random order (but not just for this year- for whenever):
Work at see's candies (and eat all the #26 Scotchmallow chocolates and quit)

Visit New York, Florida, Hawaii, Yosemite, Jamaica, Brazil, Yucatan,Africa (of course), Japan,Egypt, India, Southern Mexico, Morocco.....

Go to the White House while Obama is in office

Drink less Root Beer and eat less cheese and bacon

Make more paintings

Apply to get my MFA (which is really hard to get accepted to a good school because its based on your art work- they dont give a fuck who or what you know)

Learn to skateboard (im too old though)

Learn to surf (i cant fucken swim so im screwd)

Karaoke more often cuz' its hella fun

Eat less chocolates

Comb my hair more often

Do some sit ups (maybe three at least?)

Dont let my bicepts get too outta control big (hee hee hee yeah right- I'm weak son!)

oh check out this fool:


Be more organized- maybe keep a planner

Keep watching COPS till' I die !!!!!

Have my own house

Be Married with Children

Paint my car candy purple and airbrush Prince on the hood....that would be the awesomest!

(but not this picture)

Oh and learn how to tune my classic acoustic*

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