"I guess that’s what books do. Take you places. Inside and out. Move you. Inside. And out. You are at a different place after you read the book than you were before you read it. In many ways you are a different person as well." - The Alchemy #3- david mack
i need to read something. something cool. except Pablo Neruda.I don't know what the fuck I picked up the other day at the bookstore, it was a poetry book by his writings, and I already know if I start to read something by this foo' I'm floored. Man, if you can read in Spanish I tell you, I can't handle it. It's so damn deep. I wanted to buy it so bad cuz' it was so damn great, but i know better. i dont need to be suicidal n' shit. its that good. the amount of melancholy this guy describes within the first phrases of anything, its laid on thick man. so i didnt buy it. Pablo Neruda's writings are so full of "metaforos", and if you havent watched Il Postino the movie, I recommend it. its good.it makes me lazier than i already am- its so relaxing.it takes place in italy and stuff like that.
anyway, ive just been working and not much else. i tell you if it wasnt for mexican novelas or soap operas on Univision (channel 34) if you have cable or whatever, watch El Fuego En La Sangre- its good. if it wasnt for that novela, i'd be extra bored. i hate summertime. i guess i could be making arts but i havent.
my grandma's been okay this week shes with us. ummm, oh tomorrow i see The Cure in concert in Santa Barbara, and I'm going to try to stay away from any alcoholic beverages, if you know The Cure's music you'll understand.....
but all has been okay.the kids i teach art to have really liked the lessons i give them. last week i taught them about chinese paper cuts, which i was surprised my ten cuts were in tact after telling them they were worth a lot of money. they cost me one dollar in Chinatown for ten*, but they handled them with care. and this week im teaching them about native american clothing which they have to design and also design their own moccassins.
so yeah Pablo Neruda, he's good.the impact of the words are much stronger in Spanish. so i go on this site looking for a translated example and heres the first one i click on jeeeez......
"All those men were there inside,
when she came in totally naked.
They had been drinking: they began to spit.
Newly come from the river, she knew nothing.
She was a mermaid who had lost her way.
The insults flowed down her gleaming flesh.
Obscenities drowned her golden breasts.
Not knowing tears, she did not weep tears.
Not knowing clothes, she did not have clothes.
They blackened her with burnt corks and cigarette stubs,
and rolled around laughing on the tavern floor.
She did not speak because she had no speech.
Her eyes were the colour of distant love,
her twin arms were made of white topaz.
Her lips moved, silent, in a coral light,
and suddenly she went out by that door.
Entering the river she was cleaned,
shining like a white stone in the rain,
and without looking back she swam again
swam towards emptiness, swam towards death."-Pablo Neruda
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