so earlier at my grandmas house i went and hung out with her. and she was standing in the door way of her room and i was sitting in a chair watching her. and i suddenly opened my arms out from afar and smiled so she can give me a hug and she said "no, porque me ahorcas" ("no cuz' you'll choke me" so she stuck out her hand as to give me a handshake instead.
its true i smother her and squeeze her so tight i leave marks. maybe its her sensitive skin. maybe i just love her so much that maybe ill forget the feeling. i dunno.
but the best feeling is when i see her coming through the window and i dash out the door and run to her across the grass on the front yard with open arms even if im wearing my mexican guaraches and my pajama pants on backwards and have beetle juice hair at 1pm, its the best feeling.
feeling the air and the sun and my grandma and grateful and happy all at the same time.